The story of the garden begins back in the 1980s, when one of the partners, a gardener by profession, refused to accept the generally held view that the types of vegetation that can be grown in our region are very limited. He believed that not enough was known about the agricultural potential of the area.
Therefore, he conceived the idea of establishing an agricultural farm that would grow and acclimatize vegetation to desert conditions, whilst incorporating research and observation.
He entered into partnership with two old friends, and after receiving the required permits, in 1998, on barren rocky land, they established the "Organic Farm", thus providing a rich choice of acclimatized vegetation for local residents.
Fruit trees, tropical trees, shade trees, spices, shrubs and more ...
Over the years, the farm's rich variety of plants and the name "Eilat Botanical Garden" have become a magnet for tourists from all over the world.
The Botanical Garden is located on a ridge of low hills, overlooking the northern entrance of Eilat.
Since the establishment of the State of Israel, this hilly range served as an army outpost, controlling the access road to the city, and was abandoned after the 1994 Peace Agreement with Jordan.
Parts of the outpost have been restored and preserved for the benefit of future generations.
The Botanical Garden is based on organic and ecologically friendly methods and is a unique concept!
The diverse collection of plants started from seeds and collected from all over the world, create a "tropical jungle".
The garden, built on ancient stone-style terraces, boasts waterfalls, a restored "river" and "rain forest" with a fine mist that surrounds the forest and its visitors.
One frequently asked question is, "How does a rare botanical garden thrive in extreme desert conditions?"
A visit to the garden is surprising, relaxing, enjoyable, unique and suitable for all ages.
The nursery continues to develop and provide solutions for the private and public sectors in types of planting, consultation, planning and execution of projects.
The garden offers a variety of hiking trails, charming corners, well organized restrooms, parking and more.
Our Coffee Garden serves aromatic and organic coffee, Arava liqueurs, ice creams and more.
Opening Hours
Summer 08:30 – 19:00
Winter 08:30 – 17:00
Friday & Holiday Eves 08:30 - 15:00
Saturdays & Holidays 09:30 – 15:00
Adults 28 Nis
Children 3-14 22 Nis
Senior Citizens, Students & Soldiers 22 Nis ( on showing a valid card).
The Botanical Garden
The story of the garden begins back in the 1980s, when one of the partners, a gardener by profession, refused to accept the generally held view that the types of vegetation that can be grown in our region are very limited. He believed that not enough was known about the agricultural potential of the area.
Therefore, he conceived the idea of establishing an agricultural farm that would grow and acclimatize vegetation to desert conditions, whilst incorporating research and observation.
He entered into partnership with two old friends, and after receiving the required permits, in 1998, on barren rocky land, they established the "Organic Farm", thus providing a rich choice of acclimatized vegetation for local residents.
Fruit trees, tropical trees, shade trees, spices, shrubs and more ...
Over the years, the farm's rich variety of plants and the name "Eilat Botanical Garden" have become a magnet for tourists from all over the world.
The Botanical Garden is located on a ridge of low hills, overlooking the northern entrance of Eilat.
Since the establishment of the State of Israel, this hilly range served as an army outpost, controlling the access road to the city, and was abandoned after the 1994 Peace Agreement with Jordan.
Parts of the outpost have been restored and preserved for the benefit of future generations.
The Botanical Garden is based on organic and ecologically friendly methods and is a unique concept!
The diverse collection of plants started from seeds and collected from all over the world, create a "tropical jungle".
The garden, built on ancient stone-style terraces, boasts waterfalls, a restored "river" and "rain forest" with a fine mist that surrounds the forest and its visitors.
One frequently asked question is, "How does a rare botanical garden thrive in extreme desert conditions?"
A visit to the garden is surprising, relaxing, enjoyable, unique and suitable for all ages.
The nursery continues to develop and provide solutions for the private and public sectors in types of planting, consultation, planning and execution of projects.
The garden offers a variety of hiking trails, charming corners, well organized restrooms, parking and more.
Our Coffee Garden serves aromatic and organic coffee, Arava liqueurs, ice creams and more.
Opening Hours
Sunday to Thursday 8:30-15:00
Friday and Holiday evenings 8:30-15:00
Saturdays & Holidays 09:30 – 15:00
Adults 30 Nis
Children 3-14 24 Nis
Senior Citizens, Students & Soldiers 24 Nis ( on showing a valid card).